
一天一照片 (Week 2:14 Jan - 22 Jan)

14.1.2013 上午看了很多患有腎衰竭的貓的飲食,希望大白貓可以不再那麼瘦。那時候,我想的是「不要輸給生命」。回到家,大白貓的食慾好了,媽媽說有朋友介紹她工作。原來可以像往常地生活已經是幸福。以前怎樣才算珍惜?原來前題是你要覺得自己幸福。

15.1.2013 老闆說我做的文件有不少錯誤,她間接的說成「可能有些誤會」,令我很緊張,明明我看的和她看的資料不一樣。大白貓的情況很反覆,始終不能放心。

16.1.2013 A sales from a SEO company called me. He was extremely confident and kept pushing me to use their services. He kept selling that the discount of their services and wanted to have a meeting with me. When i called back,  he thought i am going to tell him when i can meet him but i told him we didn't intend to do this instead. He was a bit shocked. XD
I received similar calls once or twice everyday. I think I might ask those sales more questions?

17.1.2013 終於和他說了關係好像變差了,然後只是我想太多了。met a sales from builders' directory, he asked me how did i think about the directory and i told him the printing is a quite good. He laughed.

18.1.2013 dinner with Christ and there are something catch my attension. He asked 「你唔覺得你而家好頹既咩?」, he asks me have I thought about my career. When will you earn $100,000 salary? To him, only having jobs in ibank, big corporation MT, AO, or EO is not 頹. And earning lots of money and gaining high status (senior, team leader, associate director) are important. I think it's just the attitude that matters.
Even sometimes i think i am a bit 頹, I don't want people disdain me. Even I do think about my career, I don't want to share with him.
He is unbelievable that I was sleeping with my mom and dad in a same room in a truck bed and my account saving is much lower than he expected. I turned to be very defensive at that time. Don't think you really know me well, please. I don't really want to tell you my stuff actually. That really drives me angry.
He said Alcohol is really good at managing relationship, i was thinking what am I good at?

19.1.2013 下午去了山頂,雖然大部分時間都是陰天,還是看到了很特別的景色。我想短時間也不會去郊野公園了吧?

20.1.2013 應該想想應該怎樣利用時間、工作吧。

21.1.2013 很努力地研究css的nevigation bar,上班以來第一次對一件事那麼努力

22.2.2013 上午不能上網,



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