This book is about marketing, branding, management and leadership. You will be amazed by the number of applications of the golden circle. And this book just came at the right timing in my lives that I am lost and confused. I am a person who doesn't know about my purpose to exist and my purpose to work. What Simon said in the book and the leaders/companies he used gave me courage to believe in what I am doing. Here are the extracts I found resonate with.
The Golden Circle: A WHY is just belief, HOWs are the actions we take to realize the belief, and WHATs are the results of those actions.
- For a WHY to have the power to move people, it must not only be clear it must be amplified to reach enough people to tip the scale.
- The leader must ensure that there are people on the team who believe what they believe and know how to build it. The HOW type are responsible for understanding WHY and must come to work every day to develop the system and hire the people who are ultimately responsible for bringing the WHY to life.
- It is not just WHAT and HOW you do things that matters, what matters more is that WHAT and HOW you do things is consistent with your why.
People run business as followed/Can be easily found in the company mission statement
It would start with some statements of WHAT the company does or makes, followed by how they they are different or better than the competition, followed by some call to action, with that, the company would expect some behavior in return, in the case a purchase.
They don't realize if you are clear and consistent with your WHY, you will attract people (customer/employees) with the similar belief. The company I worked focus on what (new and innovative) product they can offer to compete, but does it really help?
Instead of asking "WHAT should we do to complete?", the question mush be asked "WHY did we start doing WHAT we're doing in the first place, and WHAT can we do to bring our cause to life considering all the technologies and market opportunities available today?"
The goal of business should not be to do business with anyone who simply wants what you have, it should be focus on people who believe what you believe.
What is the company culture? Value? Outsiders will feel from the subtle parts in your office.
We want to be around people and organization who are like us and share our belief.
We do better in places that reflect our own values and beliefs. It's not size and might that make a company strong, it's the culture- the strong sense of beliefs and values that everyone, from the CEO to the receptionist, all share.People use/purchase products that can represent themselves, that are relevant to what they belief, so think what kind of people you will attract.
Products are not just symbols of the company believes, they also serve as symbols of what loyal buyers believe.Ideal situation for a company...
We trust some people and companies even when things go wrong, and don't trust others even though everything might have gone exactly as it should have.
With a WHY clearly stated in an organization, anyone within the organization can make a decision as clearly and as accurately as the founder. A WHY provides the clear filter for decision making.People work not because of their responsibility and salary but simply because they want to make it great.
For the success to last, the employees of continental had to want to win for themselves.
Unless you give motivated people something to believe in, something bigger than their job to work toward, they will motivate themselves to find a new job and you'll be stuck with whoever's left.
Average companies give their people to work on. The most innovative organization give their people something to work toward. The role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen.
Passion comes from feeling like you are a part of something that you believe in, something bigger than yourself.
As a company grows, the CEO's job is to personify the WHY. To be a symbol of what the company believes.
But as the leader of the company, being he smartest was not her job. Her job was to lead the cause. To personify the values and remind everyone WHY they are there.I found this ad. so amazing...
The goal is to hire those who are passionate for your WHY, you purpose, case or belief, and who have the attitude that fits your culture.
Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.